Lockout Safety Isolation Padlock

$16.50 inc GST

Chrome plated steel shackle or  non-conductive nylon safety shackle, lockout padlocks specifically designed for Lockout/Tagout applications.

Available key types:

  • Keyed different: where each lock comes with 2 keys that will only open this padlock.
  • Keyed alike: where each key can open all of the locks ordered. 1 key supplied for every padlock.

Padlock specs:

  • 38mm shackle height when locked
  • 6.5mm shackle diameter
  • 90mm overall length

As required by most Australian sites, the key is retained in the lock while unlocked to prevent the key being removed while unlocked. This ensures the padlock is never incorrectly left unlocked.

On the back of each padlock is an area to optionally write the padlock owner’s details. All variations come with a non-conductive nylon body. For select colours, there is the option for non conductive safety shackle.



Lockout Padlock Colour Coding System

Colour coding of padlocks is a system used to indicate the condition of a facility or equipment. While some companies and facilities may have their own policy around padlock colour coding, many will follow the widely accepted method below. Lockout safety padlocks are available in the following colours:

  • Red (Typically for most severe risk.)
  • Yellow (Typically for the next most severe risk.)
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Orange
  • Black
  • White
  • Pink

The isolation padlock colour code is typically used to indicate the level of risk associated with the lockout device with RED being the most sever.

This is followed by Yellow for slightly less severe situations yet still brightly coloured. YELLOW padlocks are also widely used across many industries for their high visibility.

Blue and Green Isolation Padlocks, while not as popular are still common place in many applications in Australia.

Orange, Black & White padlocks are typically used for the least severe lockout scenarios are as per the company or facility policy.

Safety must be a top priority in all industries and facilities, and it’s important that all workers know the isolation padlock colour coding system so they make use of it to protect themselves while they are on an isolation project. This will eliminate some of the guesswork, allowing everyone to have a better grasp on what needs to be done safely.

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